
    1.MISSION: Strengthen LUYUE, Common Prosperity & Benefit Society

    Luyue Chemical Group will lead the development of the industry through continuous innovation, innovative products and professional services, to provide customers with overall solutions, to the maximum extent to meet customer demand, increase market competitiveness, let Luyuebrand deep in the hearts of the people, become the leader in the chemical industry, reflect the greater social value of people in Luyue.

    The relationship between Luyue and its employees, like the relationship between fish and water, is interdependent. Luyue is a platform to condense the dreams of the company and employees. The vision of "being the industry leader and building a century-old Luyue" will surely inspire more Luyue people to fight for it, grow up in the struggle, and realize the value of life in the struggle. The company will be committed to provide the staff with more competitive material and spiritual benefits, common prosperity, win-win development.

    Luyue Chemical Group does not exist in isolation. It cannot do without the support of upstream and downstream customers, governments, Banks, partners and other social relations. We will maintain full communication and interaction with the outside world through good management, build a good win-win ecosystem, promote the sustainable development of our company, and continue to benefit the society.

    2.VISION: Be the Industry Leader & Build Centennial LUYUE

    We are not afraid of hard work, afraid that there is no long-term goal,we should pursue higher, continue to provide spiritual momentum forward.

    We aspire to be the industry leader, as long as the mention of the chemical industry, can let people think of our company; As long as the mention of our company, can let people think of her innovation, professional, responsible, always can with the fastest, the best, the most satisfied service, won the customer's praise and trust.

    In the process of development, we should have a strategic vision to ensure the long-term development of the company, keep the company in a healthy body, have a reasonable organization, scientific management mechanism, and positive working atmosphere, constantly inspire and train the team, promote the healthy and sustainable development of the company, and strive to build centennial Luyue.

    3.SPIRIT:  Unite & Strive For Excellence

    As the saying goes, "no one has to worry about the future", we may encounter difficulties and obstacles in the course of its future development. With what can we overcome the difficulties and move forward, everyone should think deeply about this issue.

    "Keep an army for a thousand days, use it for a while". In the face of difficulties, we are not afraid to face the danger, one after another, the more setbacks more brave, it is necessary to establish the awareness of unity and forge ahead at ordinary times. There is no perfect individual, only a perfect team, a person can not do, the team can do, we should rely on team cooperation, the loose "five fingers" will be clenched into a strong "fist", make greater achievements, achieve greater dreams.

    4.VALUES: Integrity-base & Innovation-soul.

    We should adhere to the bottom line and principlein the management process, what is this bottom line and principle?

    Luyue adhere to the character of integrity,to enhance the customer to our credibility, form a good reputation in the market, let the good faith as our brand cent, continuously improve the image of the company.

    Innovation is the eternal theme of social development. Customer demand is changing, the market environment is changing, we want to build a lasting business, we must adapt to the changes in the external environment. Only innovation, to adapt; Only to adapt, to survive. In the long river of history in the future, we need to continue to innovate ideas and consciousness,to innovate management, marketing, service mode, to adapt to the new situation, through new ways, to achieve new development.

    5.Talent view: Integrity & Ability, Outstanding Performance.

    Talent is the most valuable asset of Luyue. What kind of person is talent, what is Luyue's criterion for evalsuating talent?

    Moral integrity is a prerequisite, not only to have a good moral character, but also to have basic work skills.

    Talent must be tested by the results of their work. The monthly comprehensive performance appraisal score is the litmus test of our work. Without result test, it is difficult to evalsuate talents fairly and fairly. Everyone in our company should cultivate the mentality of result inspection, set up the consciousness of "if the result is not good, I am responsible", strengthen the process management, and pursue good performance, so as to enhance the overall efficiency of the company.

    6.Leadership view: Lead by example, Fair & just, Caring for employees

    The leader should be the best "mentor" for the subordinate and the "model" in the heart of the employee. In our company what is the standard of a good leader?

    One is to lead by example. Example is better than precept; Ask subordinates to do, the leader himself to first do, establish prestige, let subordinates convinced, so as to have a rallying point; Second, be fair and just. Everything in the public mind, fair and just deal with all kinds of things to win the trust and support of employees; Third, care for employees. Employees are the foundation of the development of the company and the implementors of all major events and small feelings. They are the direct creators of value. Without employees, there is no leader. "Management is serious care", care for employees should be different from person to person, to correctly guide, to dare to serious requirements, so as to help them grow up healthily.

    7.Market view: Quality first & Customer first

    In the future market, information will be more and more transparent, competitive means will emerge in an endless stream, the level of competition will be higher and higher, the intensity of competition will be more and more intense. In a buyer's market, customers have more and more room to select service providers. Why do customers choose our company? We should rely on the management of quality products, with high cost performance, high value sense to win the favor of customers.

    Customers are our food and clothing parents, we should be careful to treat customers, whether before the sale, or after the sale, we should treat them like relatives, let them enjoy more warm, intimate, timely, thoughtful service, touched customers, win the market, get development.

    8.Management view: Institutionalization, Process, Standardization & data

    Good management can keep the working environment in order, which is the basic premise for employees to work happily. The good management of Luyue company is manifested in clear organizational structure, clear responsibility and right, standard and standard of system and process, and can be carried out conscientiously to avoid buck-passing and efficiency reduction to the greatest extent. All personnel should speak with reason and act with evidence, develop the habit of speaking with data and analyzing problems with data, and provide accurate data support for decision-making.

    9.Service view: customer satisfaction is our ultimate pursuit

    Our company need to focus on providing the most professional, standard, thoughtful service, let the customer worry, peace of mind. Excellent service, like timely rain, can always appear when the customer needs, "think what the customer wants, urgent customer urgent", will be considerate, help customers to solve the problem, this is the value of our Luyue business.

    In the process of service, we should maintain enough patience, and be as warm as family members, beyond the expectations of the customer, customer satisfaction. Moved by the customer, will be loyal to the cause of our company, become an important force to help the cause of sustainable development of our company.

    10.Execution: act quickly, make no excuses, and get results

    As the saying goes, "it is better to retreat and build a net". The execution must first "quick" word head, quick response, move first. Seize the opportunity with speed, win the result with speed. We are firmly opposed to all lazy, tardy, all talk and no action work style, only find methods, no excuses, and constantly strengthen the execution. The execution should have a clear goal and proper measures, and the result is the only criterion to evalsuate the execution.

    11.Performance view: Focus on process and result

    "Thousand truth, ten thousand truth, no achievement no reason". In essence,  the company is not a social charity organization.

    The profit needs each person of Luyueto create through honest work, a little makes a lot, a little makes a tower. Everyone should develop a result mentality, not only to standardize the process, but also to achieve results.

    Employees have different positions and responsibilities, but all of them can reflect their performance results objectively and fairly through corresponding assessment scores. Each employee should carefully analyze the assessment standards of the post, grasp the key, clear objectives, effective measures, to achieve the improvement of assessment scores, enhance personal value.

    12.Quality view: Quality is the company's life

    Quality is the life of the company. The value of Luyue company lies in providing customers with quality assurance products and services and creating value for customers.

    Quality assurance, the first is the attitude, understanding of the problem. It is very important to firmly establish a full participationconsciousness,Don't pass each may affect the details of quality, customer satisfaction, do allow customers the most assured products, maximize customer satisfaction, win public praise, win the market, win development.

    13.Safety concept: Without safety, there is nothing

    "There is no safety, there is nothing", safety is the overriding priority of our company, every people have to strengthen this awareness, establish this concept. If there is security, we just need to develop faster and slower. Every day we have to think of danger, "trembling, treading on thin ice," put an end to the lucky psychology, nip in the bud. Only by paying attention to the thought, taking proper measures, carrying out strong, unswerving and unremittingly, can we ensure the safety of life, health, environment, transportation, diet, public security and capital, which are the premise of the sustainable development of the company.

    Luyue career is the pride of our common,the culture is the crystallization of the wisdom of people’s thought and practice, full of philosophic wisdom, filled with positive energy, hope each cadre staff study, relentlessly resourceful and everbright, let company’s culture become our words and follow the basic principles of our development is the most important spiritual power, like a beacon to guide us forward, healthy growth, create a another miracle, win one after another, in order to realize "being industry leading, buildingcentennial Luyue" to strive for a vision, come on! 
